Sunday, July 18, 2010

Summer thoughts...

I think I wrote, what, ONE post since I got this blog account thingy? Oh well... Perhaps I should have written more, especially due to the fact I have received millions of fan letters saying they want more blog posts from Patrick Rooney. (That last part was completely false... billions...).

Anyways, I was thinking maybe I could share some more thoughts with ya'll...

This summer, for me, has been one of serious soul searching. I left Chicago thinking I knew so much, I pulled up my driveway in Michigan knowing nothing. I came home expecting everything I left over from high school to just be there once again. The friends, parties, and roadtrips were things that I expected to come home to. I was going to have a perfect summer to make up for a not so perfect year in college. The reality of the situation was one that hit me kind of hard: everyone has moved on. We've all drifted into our own circles of friends. All of my college friends were back at their own homes across the country and my friends from high school were at least an hour's drive from my house. I felt totally stranded in the small town of Rochester, MI. This left a lot of time for me to think. Throughout my nine months in Chicago I discovered a lot about myself. It was an emotional year for me, filled with heartbreak, despair and difficult choices. Welcome to adulthood Patrick...

Coming back to Michigan and finally getting some alone time, I realized that I forgot just how to enjoy the simplest things in life. The cool breeze that catches you off guard on a hot day in late June, my dog's wet nose poking my face waking me up in the morning, sitting with your Dad in the bleachers at a baseball game. These were things I had missed so much in college and I didn't even realize how important those things were to me. I was so caught up in the latest "drama" or how I was going to stay out of trouble that weekend, that I totally forgot how to enjoy life.

One of the other subjects I have been thinking of is that of Relationships. And what I have come to realize is that: I don't know a lot about relationships! All that I do know is that I don't need eight thousand best friends to make me happy, I don't need to have a steady dating life to make me feel more like a man. All I need, is one kickass best friend (Michael Wagner), and an amazing family (See previous blog post).

So, right now, I'm sitting here with a painful swelled up face from a wisdom teeth extraction trying to put into words just how I feel about life. And I guess all I really know for sure, is to love those closest to you with all that you can, love those furthest from you with all that you can, be true to yourself, laugh a lot, cry a lot, give a lot of hugs, and even more kisses. Give epic high fives when the Blackhawks win their next Stanley Cup, and don't let the Chicago Bears break your heart for the five thousandth time. I'm not going to waste my time trying to be a "stoic man" who never shows emotion. (And to all women who think that's what you want: you don't.) I mean, look at Jack Bauer... biggest badass in the world, crys all the time... The key in everything, all that I am trying to say, is to be strong. Never be afraid of who you are. Life is SO AWESOME!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Well... here we go...

So... alright... truth is, I've never done this before. Yes, I know I'm copying everyone else by making a blog... and no I'm not trying to be original. It just seems like a great way to kill some time procrastinating on my Playwriting Midterm I am currently putting off.

Hmm... some facts about me... Well, I'm Irish. I love being Irish. I always have a sense of pride when I talk about my Irish Heritage. Having most of my family still across the Atlantic is something to brag about... right?
I'm the kind of person that pretty much wears his emotions on his sleeve. When I'm happy, you can tell, when I'm sad, you can tell. However, being in a great mood is certainly more enjoyable than being in a sour mood, so usually, I'm in a good place. I feel the reason for that is due to where I am in my life. I am surrounded by incredible friends and family that support me to the enth degree. My parents have shown me unconditional love over the years. My Dad always talks about the four of us being a team, we all have to support each other in everything we do and set out to accomplish. We care for each other, we love each other, and yes we fight, but it all contributes to the incredible support system that is our family. My mother... ohhh what is there to say about my wonderful Mom? Well, I have to say, I am EXACTLY like her. It scares me how similar we are, but in a good way. My Mom has taught me how to lead with my heart, to always keep a positive attitude, she has taught me how to express myself and to drink in all of my surroundings. My Mom knows how to have a great laugh, she knows how to cry. She gives the best hugs and makes THE best Thanksgiving dinner. It's hard to imagine where I would be without her. Alongside my amazing Mom is, yes, my amazing Dad. My father, John Rooney is the man I want to be when I grow up. He has the most incredible perseverance and work ethic you will ever see out of someone. He taught me that if you want something, go get it. When you're feeling like you can't, you can, keep going, no matter how deep the mud is. Seeing him run numerous marathons in Detroit and Boston, work long hours at work and home (That goes for my Mom too), never giving up at anything, I cannot help but hold extreme admiration for his determination and will power. Well... I can't talk about my family without talking about my little sister, Molly. Molly is basically my partner in crime. I would literally do anything for this girl. I call her for advice, text her in the wee hours of the morning, talk about the latest Office episode... And she is SO talented. You would not believe how talented and beautiful this girl is. I literally have had to beat guys off with a stick...
And I guess right now, I want to talk about my best friend Mike. I met Mike at U of D Jesuit High School 5 years ago. Over that time, we basically have invented everything that is cool today. Yes, its true... we started it all. You know the whole celebrity as your facebook profile picture thing? We started that... The crossword puzzle craze of 2009? That was us... We love our PandCC, with a little bit of purple drank on the side, followed by a great Dr. Badass session of Tuesdays with Jamie talkin about Hott and Cold Pizza. Didn't understand a word of that last sentence? Thought so... and you never will.

So here I am. My second semester in College. Wow, time flies doesn't it? I don't know how these blogs really work. Is it me just talking to thin air? Yeah... probably, but it seems like a good way to express my feelings. I don't really want to give anyone advice on how to live their life, seeing as life seems to throw the strangest and most unexpected things my way. I love everyone in my class at CCPA. We're all supportive of each other and it's so amazing to have people around you with the same drive and passion. This program is so challenging but I feel like I am learning so much and really growing as an artist. Chicago is such a good town. I feel at home here.

Anyways, that's all for now, I really should continue working on my midterm papers...
Love you all.